the ask
I was referred to Cabot House Furniture to help see through a website redesign that had stalled in the past. Working alongside developers at Owl Watch, the company's priority was to as quickly as possible transform their old, inflexible, desktop-only website into a Wordpress-based site which could be viewed on any device.
the questionnaire idea
The most significant change to the site was developed during my intake interview with the folks at Cabot House, where we sketched out a more engaging user-experience for the "Design Services" page. Previously, the page was stagnant, essentially a vague "Contact Us" form without a form.
What we developed is a simple questionnaire which prospective clients can fill out regarding their design goals. The answers will be forwarded to an individual designer at the Cabot House store location nearest them who will create customized recommendations and designs for the client's space and reach out to them personally. The questionnaire intentionally avoids jargon or excessive detail in order to allow the client to express their desires in plain language.
Within one month of going this feature being live, Cabot House Furniture has already netted several high-value prospects.